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 NEWS behind the NEWS
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Fokko Ukena Offline

Beiträge: 11

22.12.2010 21:16
RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

Hello Folks,

this is a FORUM in addition to NEWS behind the NEWS by tintin
on the side.

it is time to decode the NEWS

and here is the place for the ones that have been banned - POSTING the TRUTH



Guttenberg fordert Ronald-Reagan-Platz in Berlin

Defense Guttenberg asked to name a street or a place in Berlin after former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. He is not alone.

Ronald Wilson Reagan /ˈrɑnəld ˈwɪlsən ˈreɪgən/ (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was the 40th President of the United States (1981–1989) and the 33rd Governor of California (1967–1975).[1]

Ronald Reagan and the WALL

Ronald Reagan speaks at the Berlin Wall's Brandenburg Gate, challenging Gorbachev to "tear down this wall!"

he was the Presdent Nr. 40

asking Mr. Gorbachev to open the "GATE"

“ We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall![9]



R.R. is also the ALIEN PRESIDENT

Reagan's ALIEN speech to UN

"And yet, I ask is not an alien force already among us? "


UN was foundet against the GERMAN EMPIRE (DEUTSCHES REICH)

Article 53

The Security Council shall, where appropriate, utilize such regional arrangements or agencies for enforcement action under its authority. But no enforcement action shall be taken under regional arrangements or by regional agencies without the authorization of the Security Council, with the exception of measures against any enemy state, as defined in paragraph 2 of this Article, provided for pursuant to Article 107 or in regional arrangements directed against renewal of aggressive policy on the part of any such state, until such time as the Organization may, on request of the Governments concerned, be charged with the responsibility for preventing further aggression by such a state.
The term enemy state as used in paragraph 1 of this Article applies to any state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory of the present Charter.

Article 107

Nothing in the present Charter shall invalidate or preclude action, in relation to any state which during the Second World War has been an enemy of any signatory to the present Charter, taken or authorized as a result of that war by the Governments having responsibility for such action.


Aldebaran (α Tau, α Tauri, Alpha Tauri) is an orange giant star located about 65 light years away in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. With an average apparent magnitude of 0.87 it is the brightest star in the constellation and is one of the brightest stars in the nighttime sky. The name Aldebaran is Arabic (الدبران al-dabarān) and translates literally as "the follower", presumably because this bright star appears to follow the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters star cluster in the night sky.[3] In 1997 a substellar companion was reported but subsequent observations have not confirmed this claim.

Physical properties

Size comparison between Aldebaran and the Sun

Aldebaran is classified as a type K5III star. It is an orange giant star that has moved off the main sequence line of the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. It has exhausted the hydrogen fuel in its core and hydrogen fusion has ceased there. Although not yet hot enough for fusing helium, the core temperature of the star has greatly increased due to gravitational pressure and the star has expanded to a diameter of 44.2 times the diameter of the Sun,[4][5] approximately 61 million kilometres (see 10 gigametres for similar sizes). The Hipparcos satellite has measured it as 65.1 light-years (20.0 pc) away, and it shines with 150 times the Sun's luminosity.[3]
Aldebaran is a slightly variable star, of the slow irregular variable type LB. It varies by about 0.2 in apparent magnitude

Myths WIKI

The Vril Society was founded as "The All German Society for Metaphysics" in 1921 to explore the origins of the Aryan race. It was formed by a group of female psychic mediums led by the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb, who claimed to have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system. Allegedly, these aliens had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was formed from the ancient Sumerian word "Vri-Il" ("like god"). A second medium was known only as Sigrun, a name etymologically related to Sigrune, a Valkyrie and one of Wotan's nine daughters in Norse legend


was given to the GERMANS in UKRANINE pre WW II !!!

[ Editiert von Administrator Fokko Ukena am 22.12.10 21:17 ]

Fokko Ukena Offline

Beiträge: 11

22.12.2010 23:07
#2 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

Cowboy from Brooklyn is a 1938 American musical comedy film.

Future president Ronald Reagan starred in the film

List of songs

I Got a Heartful of Sunshine - Candy Candido and Dick Powell
Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride - Priscilla Lane and Dick Powell
Git Along Little Doggie - Johnnie Davis
I'll Dream Tonight - Dick Powell
Howdy, Stranger - Dick Powell
Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride - Priscilla Lane and Dick Powell


The Harz is the highest mountain range in northern Germany and its rugged terrain extends across parts of Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. The name Harz derives from the Middle High German word Hardt or Hart (mountain forest)

Hardt or Hart id LOW GERMAN (Plattdeutsch) and means HERZ eng. HEART

Ihr Suchergebnis:

Plattdeutsch Hochdeutsch
Hart Herz

The Teufelsmauer is a rock formation made of hard sandstones of the Upper Cretaceous in the northern part of the Harz Foreland in central Germany. This wall of rock runs from Blankenburg (Harz) via Weddersleben and Rieder to Ballenstedt. The most prominent individual rocks of the Teufelsmauer have their own names. The Teufelsmauer near Weddersleben is also called the Adlersklippen ("Eagle Crags").

The legends of the Teufelsmauer

From the Brothers Grimm collection
"On the Northern Harz, between Blankenburg and Quedlinburg, one sees an area of rocks south of the village of Thale that the people call the Devil's dance floor, and not far from there is the rubble pile of an old wall, opposite which, north of the village, stands a large ridge of rocks. Those ruins and that ridge are called by the people: Devil's Wall [Teufelsmauer]. The devil fought long with our dear God for dominion over the earth. (actually the devil built it in order to share the world with Him. But since he was only given a certain time and the whole wall was not completed within the time limit, the evil one in his anger destroyed a great deal of his work again, so that only a few pieces of it were left.) At last, a division of the land then inhabited was agreed. The rocks, where the dance floor now is, were to separate the border and the Devil built his wall with loud cheers and dancing. But soon the insatiable one started new quarrels, which ended in him also being given the valley at the foot of the rocks. There is added a second Devil's Wall."
The legend of the three elves
"Once upon a time a soldier had been given of land behind Thale, up to the Teufelsmauer, as a reward for his services. This he cleared by the sweat of his brow. He had almost finished his day's work. The tree-trunks lay criss-crossed, their branches hung limp. Only three trees were still standing against the evening sky and he was too tired even to lay hands on them. As he fell into a slumber, however, it seemed to him that he heard moaning and groaning, and he saw little female figures, gleaming like clouds of mist, in the branches, who wailed that they should now lose their lives like their sisters. "You shall see no harm done", he cried, and kept his word. But when, many years later, a descendant of his chopped off these branches too, the soil dried up and the wind carried it away and with it his wealth. This happens to all those who do not respect the little spirits and look after nothing other than themselves and their own greed.

The Devil and the cockerel
The legend of the "the Devil and the cockerel" in the Harz region has two variants:
The first variant of the legend has a market woman from Cattenstedt coming to a small village near Blankenburg with a cockerel: "God and the devil were fighting for the possession of the earth, they agreed that God should keep the fertile plains, the Devil, the ore-bearing Harz Mountains, if he had completed a boundary wall by the time the first cock crowed. He built it up to the edge of the Harz. Meanwhile a market woman from Cattenstedt, who was on her way to Blankenburg, came by carrying a cockerel in her basket. With a stone still missing from the wall, the cockerel crowed. The Devil's work had been in vain and he destroyed his wall in a fit of rage."
The second variant has a farmer's wife from Timmenrode appearing: "In a gray time the Devil came to an agreement with the Lord over a division of the estate. He wanted the Harz, however, to be his dominion. So they bet each other that he might have the mountains, if he managed to build in one night a wall as high and strong as the buildings of the emperor. Said and done, the wall rose up in the dark. Then the Lord had a farmer's wife from Timmenrode walk to market with her cockerel and stumble over a small pebble. Whereupon the rooster stretched his neck in the basket and began to crow. The Devil thought the night was over and flung the keystone furiously against his wall, leaving only fragments of it standing."
These two variants of the North Harz Teufelsmauer legend involving wagers and a cockerel are similar to several versions from the Lower Bavarian Danube region.

That was way back in HISTOTY

but still 21 Years ago - we had this WALL

right through the HEART

open the JPG - below...;O)

lk D 3 - the WALL went right through the HA RZ aka HEART!

[ Editiert von Administrator Fokko Ukena am 23.12.10 10:00 ]

[ Editiert von Administrator Fokko Ukena am 23.12.10 10:01 ]

[ Editiert von Administrator Fokko Ukena am 23.12.10 10:03 ]

[ Editiert von Administrator Fokko Ukena am 24.12.10 20:48 ]

Fokko Ukena Offline

Beiträge: 11

23.12.2010 11:18
#3 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

Verfassungsrichter für Bundeswehreinsatz im Innern

this is the end of the world how we know it!

Fokko Ukena Offline

Beiträge: 11

23.12.2010 13:37
#4 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

Paketbombe in Schweizer Botschaft in Rom

Urheberschaft vorerst unbekannt – Ein Verletzter im Spital

In der Schweizer Botschaft in Rom ist eine Paketbombe explodiert. Das italienische Aussenministerium bestätigte entsprechende Medienberichte. Ein Botschaftsmitarbeiter sei schwer verletzt worden.

In the Swiss Embassy in Rome a parcel bomb exploded. The Italian Foreign Ministry confirmed the relevant media reports. An embassy employee was seriously injured.

Wiesmann Offline

Beiträge: 14

23.12.2010 14:36
#5 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

Hallo Fokko!

Kannst du die Sonne scheinen sehen
Im tiefsten Finster
Bleibt eine Hoffnung dir bestehen
Im tiefsten Winter

Keine Macht auf dieser Erde
Lässt dich noch in Frieden ruhen
Welcher Geist folgt deinen Gedanken
Welcher Gott bewegt dein Tun

Uns geht die Welt nicht unter
Wir warten auf den neuen Tag
Aus dem Beet die Frühjahrsmüden
Empor die neue Saat

Kannst du die Sonne scheinen sehen
Im tiefsten Finster
Bleibt eine Hoffnung dir bestehen
Im tiefsten Winter

Wieder neigt sich die Titanic
Der Lotse geht von Bord
Auf allen Radiofrequenzen

Vorzeichen künden Stürme
Eisenzeit martialisch rot
Eine Angst steigt durch den Äther
Strafgericht und Winternot

Kannst du die Sonne scheinen sehen
Im tiefsten Finster
Bleibt eine Hoffnung dir bestehen
Im tiefsten Winter

Sonne so finster
Die Sonne so finster

Am Himmel ein Kreuz

Alaf Sal Fena!

Dem Mutigen gehört der Tag

Fokko Ukena Offline

Beiträge: 11

23.12.2010 16:04
#6 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

Gepostet von Wiesmann
Hallo Fokko!


Wieder neigt sich die Titanic
Der Lotse geht von Bord
Auf allen Radiofrequenzen

Vorzeichen künden Stürme
Eisenzeit martialisch rot
Eine Angst steigt durch den Äther
Strafgericht und Winternot

Kannst du die Sonne scheinen sehen
Im tiefsten Finster
Bleibt eine Hoffnung dir bestehen
Im tiefsten Winter

Sonne so finster
Die Sonne so finster

Am Himmel ein Kreuz

Alaf Sal Fena!


remind me on the FATHER of "NEWS behind the NEWS"

Tintin & his dog Snowy - Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Winslet in Titanic

THE WORLD is TITANIC right now!

TITANIC went down while
the MUSIC was playing.....

RMS Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world when she set off on her maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City on 10 April 1912. Four days into the crossing, at 23:40 on 14 April 1912, she struck an iceberg and sank at 2:20 the following morning, resulting in the deaths of 1,517 people in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history.
An Olympic-class passenger liner, RMS Titanic was owned by the White Star Line and constructed at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland. She set sail for New York City with 2,227 people on board. The high casualty rate when the ship sank was due in part to the fact that, although complying with the regulations of the time, the ship carried lifeboats for only 1,178 people. A disproportionate number of men died due to the women and children first protocol that was followed.



Capitain was SMITH

Captain Edward John Smith, RD, RNR (27 January 1850 – 15 April 1912) was an English naval reserve officer, and ship's captain.[1] He was the officer in command of the RMS Titanic and died when the ship sank in 1912. There is a statue to his legacy in Beacon Park, Lichfield, England

Smith died - date von Richard von Weizsäcker was born

Richard Karl Freiherr von Weizsäcker listen (help·info) (born 15 April 1920), known as Richard von Weizsäcker, is a German politician (CDU). He served as Governing Mayor of West Berlin from 1981 to 1984, and as President of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1984 to 1994

Governing Mayor of West Berlin, Richard von Weizsäcker, with US President Ronald Reagan and German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, at Checkpoint Charlie in 1981

here WEIZSAECKER is at a nother WALL!!!

WEIZSAECKER is "Agent Orange"

STILL TODAY 600.000 CHILDREN disabled born from "Agent Orange" per YEAR!!!

it is still everywhere in the WATER!!!

[ Editiert von Administrator Fokko Ukena am 23.12.10 16:32 ]

[ Editiert von Administrator Fokko Ukena am 23.12.10 16:42 ]

Fokko Ukena Offline

Beiträge: 11

24.12.2010 16:51
#7 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

Nach Brand in Konstanz sind 54 Menschen obdachlos

After the fire, in Constance, 54 people homeless


The coming of the ANTI-CHRIST. The NUMBER 666

54 people homeless

you see [b]ee - ee[/b] means 55

55meansNATO means WAR

History of NATO enlargement

BRD /note - not GERMANY!!!


means war with RUSSIA

June 22, 1941, to May 9, 1945

55 sign of war

[ Editiert von Administrator Fokko Ukena am 24.12.10 16:52 ]

Fokko Ukena Offline

Beiträge: 11

24.12.2010 17:35
#8 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

Konstanz II

Konstanz (pronounced [ˈkɔnstants], locally [ˈkɔnʃtants]; also known in English as Constance) is a university town of around 80,000 inhabitants. Home of Konstanz University, it is located at the western end of Lake Constance in the south-west corner of Germany, bordering Switzerland.

coat of arms

The Konzilbuilding in Konstanz

The Council of Constance is the 15th ecumenical council recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, held from 1414 to 1418. The council ended the Western Schism, by deposing or accepting the resignation of the remaining Papal claimants and electing Pope Martin V.
The Council also condemned and executed Jan Hus and ruled on issues of national sovereignty, the rights of pagans, and just war in response to a conflict between the Kingdom of Poland and the Order of the Teutonic Knights. The Council is important for its relationship to the development of the Councilarism and Papal supremacy.

LK - what "THE EMPIRE" is!!!

Western Schism

The Western Schism or Papal Schism was a split within the Catholic Church from 1378 to 1417. Two men simultaneously claimed to be the true pope. Driven by politics rather than any theological disagreement, the schism was ended by the Council of Constance (1414–1418). The simultaneous claims to the papal chair of two different men hurt the reputation of the office. The Western Schism is occasionally called the Great Schism, though this term is more often applied to the East–West Schism of 1054.


The schism in the western Roman Church resulted from the return of the papacy to Rome under Gregory XI in 1376, ending the Avignon Papacy, which had developed a reputation of corruption that estranged major parts of Western Christendom. This reputation can be attributed to perceptions of predominant French influence and to the papal curia's efforts to extend its powers of patronage and increase its revenues.

Avignon Papacy

The Avignon Papacy was the period from 1309 to 1378 during which seven Popes resided in Avignon (modern-day France).[1] This arose from the conflict between the Papacy and the French crown.


The most influential decision in the reign of Pope Gregory XI (1370–1378) was the return to Rome in 1378. Although the Pope was French born and still under strong influence by the French King, the increasing conflict between factions friendly and hostile to the Pope posed a threat to the Papal lands and to the allegiance of Rome itself. When the Papacy established an embargo against grain exports during a food scarcity 1374/75, Florence organized several cities into a league against the Papacy: Milan, Bologna, Perugia, Pisa, Lucca and Genoa. The papal legate, Robert de Geneva, a relative to the House of Savoy, pursued a particularly ruthless policy against the league to re-establish control over these cities. He convinced Pope Gregory to hire Breton mercenaries. To quell an uprising of the inhabitants of Cesena he hired John Hawkwood and had the majority of the people massacred (between 2500 and 3500 people were reported dead). Following such events opposition against the Papacy strengthened. Florence came in open conflict with the Pope, a conflict called "the war of the eight saints" in reference to the eight Florentine councilors who were chosen to orchestrate the conflict. The entire city of Florence was excommunicated and as reply the export of clerical taxes was stopped. The trade was seriously hampered and both sides had to find a solution. In his decision about returning to Rome, the Pope was also under the influence of Catherine of Siena, later canonized, who preached for a return to Rome.

Pope Gregory XI returned to Rome in 1377 and ended the Babylonian Captivity of the Church

This resolution was short-lived, however, when, having returned the Papal court to Rome, Gregory XI died. A conclave met and elected an Italian pope, Urban VI. Pope Urban alienated the French cardinals, who held a second conclave electing one of their own, Robert of Geneva, to succeed Gregory XI, thus founding a second line of Avignon popes. However Clement VII, along with his successors are not now regarded as legitimate, and are referred to as antipopes by the Roman Catholic Church. This situation, known as the Western Schism, persisted for over 20 years, until the ecumenical Council of Constance resolved the question of Papal succession and declared the French conclave of 1378 to be invalid. A new Pope, Martin V, was elected in 1417; other illegitimate claimants to succeed to the line of the Avignon Popes (though not resident at Avignon) continued until c. 1437. The establishment of the church councils, with the power to decide over the position of Pope, was one of the main outcomes of the schism. However, it did not survive long beyond 1417.

Catherine of Siena

Saint Catherine of Siena T.O.S.D (25 March 1347 in Siena – 29 April 1380 in Rome) was a tertiary of the Dominican Order, and a Scholastic philosopher and theologian. She also worked to bring the Papacy back to Rome from its displacement in France, and to establish peace among the Italian city-states. She was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1970. She is one of the two patron saints of Italy, together with Francis of Assisi.


Catherine of Siena and the Mystic Marriage

Mystic marriage of Saint Catherine

The mystic marriage of Saint Catherine (or "mystical") covers two different subjects in Christian art arising from visions received by both Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Catherine of Siena (1347–1380) in which they went through a wedding ceremony with Christ. The scene usually includes one of the Saint Catherines and either the infant Jesus held by his mother Mary, or an adult Jesus. Very rarely both saints are shown in a double ceremony (as at right). Saint Catherine of Alexandria is invariably dressed as a princess with a crown, typically with long blonde hair, and Saint Catherine of Siena as a nun, so it is usually easy to tell which saint is depicted.[1]

Saint Catherine of Siena T.O.S.D (25 March 1347 in Siena – 29 April 1380 in Rome)




Prince William & Kate Middleton royal wedding date, April 29, shared by Adolf Hitler, Jon Bon Jovi

Read more:

Wiesmann Offline

Beiträge: 14

24.12.2010 17:50
#9 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

"Der Engel grüsst den lieben Gott!"

Fröhliche Weihnachten!!!

Dem Mutigen gehört der Tag

Fokko Ukena Offline

Beiträge: 11

24.12.2010 18:18
#10 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten



WHO do they SERVE???



did HITLER also serve "THE EMPIRE"?

Fokko Ukena Offline

Beiträge: 11

24.12.2010 21:36
#11 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten


Nach Brand in Konstanz sind 54 Menschen obdachlos

After the fire, in Constance, 54 people homeless

54 people homeless

54 is 9

Imperia (statue)

The Imperia is a statue at the entrance of the harbour of Konstanz, Germany, commemorating the Council of Constance that took place there between 1414 and 1418. The concrete statue is 9 meters high, weighs 18 tonnes, and stands on a pedestal that rotates around its axis once every three minutes. It was created by Peter Lenk and erected in 1993.

Emperor Sigismund

[ Editiert von Administrator Fokko Ukena am 24.12.10 21:53 ]

[ Editiert von Administrator Fokko Ukena am 24.12.10 21:57 ]

Wiesmann Offline

Beiträge: 14

26.12.2010 01:16
#12 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

Church of Regina Pacis in Diepenbeek (Lutselus), Limburg, Belgium

Lutselus >
Diepenbeek lies on the A 313 >

Limburg >

Flanders >


555' NB, 5° 27' OL - 50.9225, 5.44833333333333
UTM 31U 670097 5642358

collapsed because of the weight of snow, as reported, on December 25, 2010 at 4 o'clock in the morning.

55 = Death

Where is the debris gone?

Reminds me of GROUND ZERO - 40° 42' 42" N, 74° 0' 45" W

Where have the uncountable tons of rubble of the Twin Towers gone?

"Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything"

The Rubik's Cube is a 3-D mechanical puzzle invented in 1974 by Hungarian sculptor
and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik. Originally called the "Magic Cube", the puzzle was
licensed by Rubik to be sold by Ideal Toys in 1980 and won the German Game of the Year.

"Crossing the Rubicon" means to pass a point of no return.

Enkutatash is the first day of the New Year in Ethiopia.
It occurs on Meskerem 1 on the Ethiopian calendar, which is 11 September.


Enkutatash means the "gift of jewels". When the famous Queen of Sheba returned from her
expensive jaunt to visit King Solomon in Jerusalem, her chiefs welcomed her bolts by replenishing her treasury
with inku or jewels.

Jewels = Jews

[ Editiert von Administrator Wiesmann am 31.12.10 16:33 ]

Dem Mutigen gehört der Tag

Wiesmann Offline

Beiträge: 14

28.12.2010 17:09
#13 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten


P O I N T . A L P H A

50° 43′ 26.15″ N, 9° 55′ 54.68″ E - 50.723931, 9.931856
UTM 32U 565775 5619540

Part of Iron Curtain museum in Germany collapses under snow

Iron = Fe (ferum) = 26
The Iron Chancellor = Otto von Bismarck = Prussia

Anton von Werner's depiction of William's proclamation as Emperor in the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles;
The Grand Duke of Baden (top step, with hand raised) leads the cheering.
Bismarck can be seen in the centre-right wearing white.


Hausmeister (janitor, caretaker) Jakob Klunk (Klunker = German for bling, tassel, brummagem jewellery, ice) stellte bei Dienstantritt um 7.45 Uhr den Schaden fest: Die Schneemassen, gepaart mit böigem Wind, hatten die Stabilität der historischen Halle überfordert, die noch aus den Zeiten stammt, als die US-Armee auf Point Alpha stationiert war. Das 35 mal 15 Meter große Dach war eingestürzt. Nur noch Stahlgerippe ragten in die Höhe. Nichts erinnert mehr an die feierliche Verleihung des Point-Alpha-Preises im Juni an Altkanzler Helmut Schmidt, der in dieser Halle für seine Verdienste um die Deutsche Einheit ausgezeichnet worden war. (In June former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt was honoured in this hall)

Unter der zusammengebrochenen Stahlkonstruktion und dem Schnee wurden wertvolle Ausstellungsstücke begraben: So etwa zwei original US-Hubschrauber, der VW Bus des Camps und ein US-Militär-Jeep vom Typ Chevrolet, Baujahr 1985, der erst vor wenigen Tagen dem Museum übergeben worden war.

Bei der Point Alpha Stiftung geht man davon aus, das der Versicherer im Rahmen der Versicherungsbedingungen den materiellen Schaden regulieren wird. "Ich bin froh, dass ganz aktuell der Versicherungsschutz überprüft wurden ist, wozu ein Vertreter der Versicherung am 12.10 und am 10.11.2010 zu Ortsterminen an Point Alpha war. Aber der ideelle Schaden ist beträchtlich. Wir hoffen, dass unsere amerikanischen Freunde uns bei der wahrscheinlichen Ersatzbeschaffung helfen werden, und um alles finanzieren zu können, bitten wir auch um die Hilfe der Bürgerschaft Spendenkonten sind sowohl bei der Wartburgsparkasse als auch bei der Sparkasse Fulda mit dem Verwendungszweck "Wiederaufbau historische Fahrzeughalle" eingerichtet wurden", erklärte der Vorsitzende der Point Alpha Stiftung Dr. Wolfgang Hamberger.

Video: Point Alpha, Germany


[ Editiert von Administrator Wiesmann am 31.12.10 16:44 ]

Dem Mutigen gehört der Tag

Wiesmann Offline

Beiträge: 14

28.12.2010 17:27
#14 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

German Point . Alpha

The Wall, The NATO and The Warsaw Pact

50°43′26.15″N 09°55′54.68″E



Observation Post Alpha, OP Alpha or Point Alpha was a Cold War observation post between Rasdorf, Hesse, West Germany and Geisa, Thuringia, East Germany. The post overlooked the Fulda Gap, which would have been a prime invasion route had the Cold War erupted into actual warfare. The "Point Alpha" memorial commemorates its forty-year existence, and was dedicated to keep it and a section of East German wall as reminders of German division and the confrontation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact in the Cold War.

The Cold War was a BIG HOAX!

The Wall went through the HARZ = the HEART of Germany = the HEART of Europe

FULDA, GERMANY - JUNE 17: (L to R, front) Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl , former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and former U.S. President George Bush sign the guest book at the 'Point Alpha Museum' as Governor of the German State of Hessen Roland Koch (L, back) looks on June 17, 2005 in Geisa near Fulda, Germany.

FULDA, GERMANY - JUNE 17: Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev (R) and Governor of the German State of Hessen Roland Koch walk the grounds of the 'Point Alpha Museum' on June 17, 2005 in Geisa near Fulda, Germany. Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl , former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbatchev and former U.S. President George Bush received the new German 'Point Alpha Prize' for their efforts leading to Germany's reunion in 1989. The ceremony took part at a former U.S. Army observation post called 'Point Alpha', near the iron curtain between East Germany and West Germany, which is now a memorial.

Geisa = Geisha = sounds like Geisel (hostage in German)

Population density: 66 /km2 (172 /sq mi)

Triple Fleur-de-Lis

Hupp showed in the 1920s the arms in different colours:

The arms show a knight, holding two small shields and in the base the date 817. Historically the region was owned by the Fulda Abbey. This is shown by the small shields, one with the arms of the lilies of St. Simplicius, one with the black cross of the abbey. The date is the year the abbey was founded. The composition already appeared on the 14th century seals of the town.

Gepostet von Fokko Ukena

you see ee - ee means 55

55meansNATO means WAR

History of NATO enlargement

BRD /note - not GERMANY!!!



11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (United States)

Active: 11 March 1901 = 11 until Present

Last 11th ACR Patrol 20th Anniversary Celebration at Point Alpha - Blackhorse troopers, K Troop, 3rd Squadron
April 9, 2010 at 12:41 pm

SSG Kirksey, Color Guard NCOIC, presents GEN Abrams the folded US flag.

Hessian’s Deputy Minister-President Hahn (= COCK) and Thuringia’s Minister-President Lieberknecht (= GOOD SERVANT)
both spoke emotionally at the event.
Ms. Lieberknecht grew up in the former DDR and highlighted the historical significance of the day through her own eyes.

DNA Twin Helix - Triple X - Separated at Birth?

Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Greg Delawie, the US Ambassador’s right hand, spoke on the significance of NATO’s and the US contribution to the peace process, and the importance of the US-German relationship and shared values in the modern world.

Delawie = de la vie = from/of LIFE = DNA

XXX - If you turn the logo upside down it is a HORNED spiral.

Memorial - looks like a huge changing cubicle or pissoir

Masonic Plaque below the cubile

"To the Builders of the Reunification" - There was NONE yet!


Read speeches:

'Path of Hope' installation highlights Cold War freedom struggle

If HOPE is depicted in such an eerie way, I do not want to know
what despair would look like in the mind of that "artist".

More information and pictures:,,4237681,00.html

[ Editiert von Administrator Wiesmann am 31.12.10 15:05 ]

Dem Mutigen gehört der Tag

Wiesmann Offline

Beiträge: 14

28.12.2010 19:20
#15 RE: NEWS behind the NEWS Antworten

Monte Cassino

Reichskloster (Fürstbistum) Fulda
Imperial Abbey (Prince-Bishopric) of Fulda
State of the Holy Roman Empire


50° 33′ 14.4″ N, 9° 40′ 18.3″ E

Capital: Fulda
Government: Prince-Abbacy
Historical era: Middle Ages
Early modern period:
- Founded 744
- Imperial immediacy 774
- Raised to
Prince-Abbacy 1220
- Joined
Upper Rhenish Circle 1500
- Elevated to
Prince-Bishopric 1752
- Mediatised to
Nassau-Orange 1802
- To Hesse-Kassel 1815

The monastery of Fulda was a Benedictine abbey in Fulda, in the present-day German state of Hesse. It was founded in 12 March, 744 by Saint Sturm (STORM), a disciple of Saint Boniface, and became an eminent center of learning with a renowned scriptorium, and the predecessor of the Fulda diocese.

In the ruins of a 6th century Merovingian royal camp, destroyed 50 years earlier by the Saxons, at a ford on the Fulda, Sturm established the monastery.

The rule was modelled on that of the Abbey of Monte Cassino ! as Sturmius himself had gone to Italy (748) for the express purpose of becoming familiar with it. To secure absolute autonomy for the new abbey, Boniface obtained from Pope Zachary a privilege, dated 4 November, 751, placing it immediately under the Holy See, and removing it from all episcopal jurisdiction.

Today in the news: Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John


Wikipedia has this picture

The City of Fulda is sponsoring

* 1955 PolenPolen Oberglogau (Schlesien)
* 1961 TschechienTschechien Leitmeritz (Böhmen)
* 1988 Boeing 737-300 D-ABXP Fulda
* 1997 Minenjagdboot Fulda
* 2001 Intercity Express (ICE) Fulda
* 2007 Segelflugzeug ASW 28 D-KANZ (Segelfluggelände Johannisau) STADT-FULDA

People on

* Adam of Fulda
* Tobias Sammet
* Martin Hohmann
* Ferdinand Braun
* Sebastian Kehl
* Franz Kaspar (or Caspar) Lieblein
* Max Stern
* Dirk Sauer
* Fr. Gereon Karl Goldmann
* Edguy

Liste von Persönlichkeiten der Stadt Fulda

Witchhunt reminds me of Winnenden!

List of Carolingian monasteries:


41° 29′ 24″ N, 13° 48′ 50″ E - 41.49, 13.813889

UTM 33T 400988 4593833

March 1944, after heavy Allied air-raids



Battle of Monte Cassino means Kesselring
Kesselring also means Arsenic and Old Lace

Kessel = kettel, urn, pocket, cauldron, sinkhole ...

[ Editiert von Administrator Wiesmann am 31.12.10 16:03 ]

Dem Mutigen gehört der Tag

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